Sell Your Clothes With AI
Join 3,000 circular fashion shoppers & sellers in OWNI's Reverse Marketplace. Digitising what they own, and selling what they don't need effortlessly. Download out app and start selling.
How The OWNI Mobile App Works
Shop as usual from your favourite stores. Ask for a e-receipt as you check out.
OWNI turns the receipt into a digital library of your things.
Shoppers will make offers on your items in our reverse marketplace. You sell the items you no longer need.
What our Sellers Say
AbiI was meaning to sell those Girlfriend Collective leggings for months but I just didn't get around to listing, so when someone made an offer on them in my digital wardrobe it was like the universe doing its thing
Sophie"Selling on OWNI was super easy. I'd really recommend OWNI for their mission and great customer experience!"
AyshaI really enjoy using OWNI. The process to list and sell clothes is easy and I like that they arrange delivery for you
Meet Some Of OUr Sellers
What makes OWNI different to other marketplaces?
OWNI understands that listing your items for sale on peer to peer marketplaces takes a lot of time and effort. And that the majority of the time your items don't sell or they sell for very little.
Therefore we have developed AI that converts your receipts into a library of your things. Full of product photos, descriptions and details from secondhand shoppers.
These shoppers than make offers on the items they like the look of. When you're ready to sell you can accept the offer and sell.
In this way OWNI reverses the relationship between buyer and seller. Rather than creating listings, sellers respond to demand from shoppers in the secondhand market as and when suits them.
That's why we call OWNI the worlds first Reverse Marketplace!
What are OWNI's fees?
You can use the OWNI app for free. When you accept offers OWNI takes a 20% commission from the sale.
How Does OWNI Digitise My Wardrobe?
OWNI Converts Your E-Receipts from your inbox into a library of your things automatically as you shop. Our tool is in beta mode and we currently work with gmail inboxes only.
Can I add more items into my digital wardrobe?
Yes, you can add items yourself by taking an image and adding a few details yourself.
What is the reverse marketplace ?
The Reverse Marketplace is our name for the way in which shoppers and sellers interact in OWNI.
Shoppers browse through items you own through the OWNI discover page and make offers on what they want to buy.
We then send these offers to the owners of the items. Owners then choose which items they select to sell.
This means you never have to 'list items' to sell them through OWNI!
And if you're looking for something new it means you never have to wait for someone to list an item before making an offer.
How can I sell through OWNI?
Once you have digitised your wardrobe you will receive offers on items you own from shoppers in the OWNI app. Accept offers for the items you wish to sell.
How does OWNI protect my privacy in the secondhand market?
Your personal digital wardrobe in OWNI is only visible to you. Although some of the items you OWN will be visible in the discovery page, no shoppers will know which items belong to you.
As a shopper can I buy things without making offers?
Yes, all the items for sale on our website are ready to ship. In addition all of our items in the 'Shop' Page in the mobile app is ready to ship too.
Does OWNI only allow specific brands?
We are passionate about keeping fashion in circulation so you can digtise and sell any brand in our platform.

Our 70% Mission
An estimated 70% of the clothes people OWN are not used. The carbon footprint of this is equivalent to the entire UK car industry. OWNI's 70% mission is to make resale effortless and reliable to prevent used clothing from ever becoming waste.
Thank you for being a part of our journey.
Love, Kalkidan (Founder & CEO)